Coaching, Workshops, & Courses
This is our detailed workshop information page - don't hesitate to contact us for clarity or questions.
01 Wheel of Clarity & Life Balance
Coming again soon--stay tuned!
This is for you if~
your life seems to be 'out of balance' or out of control (or both)
you have a feeling of being stuck or spinning your wheels and can't quite work your way out and forward
you are caught in a cycle of guilt and self-blame
you would just like an evening to yourself to expand your mind
you are ready to take those first tentative steps that will move you into making more life-sustaining, soul-affirming choices
Come, learn, talk, play, meet like-minded people, and finally install that upgrade your inner self has been calling for.
If this topic is calling your name, please contact us via our home page or email us directly at: and we'll provide you with further information.
Once your registration is complete, your name will be entered into a draw for a free one-on-one coaching session! ❤️
02 Upgrade Your Confidence, Find Your Voice
September-October, 2024 (See Specific Dates Below)
Investment: $350.00
If you are ready to move your own name to the top of your priority list, check this out!
We are offering an interactive, engaging opportunity to help you move towards greater clarity, self-respect, and self-love. Using a strength-based, growth-mindset model, we have designed an excursion that will~
take you into (or rather back to) your true, inner self
connect you with like-minded people in a positive, safe, non-judgemental atmosphere
uncover irrational fears & constricting, soul-sucking self-doubt
help you [re]construct a more realistic, optimistic, sustainable blueprint for moving forward with confidence and courage.
This will unfold in a blended format~
In-person: Friday, September 27th, 6:30-9:00pm; & Saturday, September 28th, 9:00am-2:30pm
Online: October 7th, 7:00-8:30pm & October 9th, 7:00-8:30pm
03 Unconscious Enactments: Archetypes & Storied Patterns
Interactive Course: October-November, 2024; January 2025 (*Specific Dates Below)
Investment: $495.00
This is an in-depth, intensive, 12-week course designed to help you unravel the 'mystery' of your own life. Drawing from the work of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, we will be exploring various "archetypes" (or characters and characterisations) that form the foundation for the stories and story lines that drive our thoughts, behaviours, and general 'way of being'. Because these are inherited and stored deeply within our psyches, they often lie beneath our conscious awareness and do not always serve our own best interests.
Course Dates
·October 1st-November 26th; weekly: 6:30-8:30pm
December 3rd & December 10th; optional one-hour check-in: 7:00-8:00pm 6:30-8:30pm
January 7th-21st; 6:30-8:30pm
**First and final weeks in person; all other meetings online
04 Discover Your Purpose
[Dates & Investment TBA]
This will begin as a four-week session with the option of continuing further, either as a group or on an individual basis. This workshop is meant to take you directly into the centre of the forest where you can find a clearing, a space, some time, to explore how, where, and if you are in alignment and integrity with your wise 'inner self', or if you are on an autopilot not of your own making.
You will know if this is for you if~
you have a feeling of being 'out of synch', out of integrity, that something just isn't 'right'
you have a sense that you're not living up to your greatest potential
you have come to see that you've become conditioned to fall in step with the expectations of family expectations, cultural traditions, or society writ large
This is no easy task. It takes courage, grit, determination, tenacity, and patience. A process of this magnitude will not happen overnight, and you need to be ready, willing, and able to make the commitment to stay the course. You also need to stay kind to yourself if you are slipping and sliding the whole way through. We will never advise or encourage you to spontaneously quit your day job; this process needs time, introspection, and deep reflection to unfold in a sensible, rational, self-loving way. Even Joseph Campbell, who became well known for the expression, "follow your bliss", made it clear that you still have to pay your bills.